It’s About time


Time to come clean.

Our time is our most precious resource.
We are all given a finite amount and we have no idea when it will run out.
It’s an illusion to think we can control time.

Time can’t be ‘managed’. It flows second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, no matter what we try to do to speed it up, slow it down or hit the pause button. Everyone has the same amount each day, traveling at the same speed.

What we can control is what we prioritize to do at any given time.

Too often calendars fail to reflect stated priorities. This disconnect can lie in the lure of completing easy tasks first, the urgency of putting out fires, becoming distracted or by never-ending interruptions.

To do or not to do, that is the question.
Is your To Do list filled with everyone else’s priorities?
Does your mind spin in circles when trying to figure out what to do first?
Sometimes, identifying the things not to do can lead you in the right direction.
Every time you do something that causes frustration or a sense of obligation, think about whether it was necessary or needless. Create a To Don’t list. Rethink your work - what can you do different, better or new?

You don’t have time on your hands; you’re on the clock.
Maybe it’s time to do something for you:
- Read - Write
- Learn - Teach
- Imagine - Play
- Rest, Reflect, Reset & Rejuvenate

“The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”
- William James

I don’t think he was talking about a job.
When you prioritize what truly matters, you will make a difference.

​What are your priorities?


Shake It Off


You Are Not Your Job