Do You Believe In Ghost Stories


Do You Believe In Ghost Stories?

I’m not talking about Psycho, The Shining, Nightmare on Elm Street or Halloween.
Have you ever thought about why Hitchcock, who created movies before today's special effects, was such a master at suspense and horror? It's because he left it up to the audience’s imagination to fill in the scene.

Just like the movies, we script narratives in our minds that haunt us down to the bone and paralyze us with fear.

Our ghost stories can turn into beliefs that block our path to success, sabotage loving relationships and erase our peace of mind. Like ghost stories, the characters aren’t real. They are fictional phenomenon brought to life by imagining our worst fears. Even when our ghost stories are based on real events, our imagination hijacks our train of thought to ride the rails on an endless track of terrible scenarios.

Don’t believe everything you think.

People often say they are afraid of the dark. It’s not the dark that is scares me; it’s what’s hiding there that I can’t see. Once your thoughts are lured into the light, their grip will loosen when you find an escape hatch. You see, by dissecting and re-membering the story, new perspectives can suddenly appear right before our eyes.

When I was in elementary school, my vivid imagination brought to life ghost stories I read. One night, I was so terrified that I changed the ending of a haunting story so I wouldn’t meet a deadly demise. That began my writing career.

A few years later, I traded in ghost stories for poetry in an attempt to understand love, life and relationships. It’s no mystery why I ended up telling stories for a living as the founder of a Public Relations agency.

Over the years, I’ve told a lot of stories . . . from entrepreneurs to entertainers, from CEOs to charities and from survivors to inspirers. While each story is as unique as the individual who owns it, they all have something in common. Every one of them told themselves a story that got them through their scary, worst case scenarios to realize success. Rest assured that no nightmare lasts forever.

The most important story is the one you believe.
Make sure it’s true.

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Who’s Hiding Behind Your Mask?